Wednesday, August 18, 2010


In all honesty I haven't been up on the news lately, (blog for another time) but I know there's debate about how Wiki-leaks posted documents called the Afghan War Diary, 2004-2010.  That people's names were mentioned who are helping us overseas and now they may be killed or something. I don't know enough about those specifics, but I feel over all its good the government knows shit may be leaked. Any place. Any time. World Wide. That's GOT to go far toward making them more legit, or at least covering their tracks better (which may not be good).

I'm so weary of the bullshit that holds this country together that I welcome any dose of another side - any reveal of the men behind the curtain. When people have no jobs, no home, no hope in this country, and billions of dollars, millions of lives are being wasted to increase the profit margin of corporations with more money and power than entire nations, I'm for anything that stings people into realizing governments lie.

Everyone's yelling about Mexicans or Mosques, all riled up and so emotional they can't think straight about the infiltrators and fundamentalists, orthodox capitalist terrorists working daily in DC and Wall Street.


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